AI and Deep Learning are hot topics. Their progress is impressive (see Alpha Go). Nevertheless, they open new security challenges. I do not here speak about the famous singularity point, but rather about basic security issues. This interesting topic raised my interest. Thus, expect to hear from me on the subject.
Can AI be fooled? For instance, can a recognition software be fooled to recognize other things than expected? The answer is yes, and some studies seem to indicate that at least in some fields it may be relatively easy. What does the following image represent?
You most probably have recognized a penguin. So did a well-trained, deep neural network (DNN) software as we may expect. According to you, what does the following image represent?
Once more, did you not recognize a penguin? The same DNN decided that it was a penguin. Of course, this image is not a random image. A. NGUYEN, J. YOSINSKI and J. CLUNE studied how to fool such a DNN in a paper “Deep Neural Networks are Easily Fooled.” They used a genetic algorithm (or evolutionary algorithm) to create such fooling images. Genetic algorithms try to mimic evolution under the assumption that only the fittest elements survive (so called, natural selection). These algorithms start from an initial population. The population is evaluated through a fitness function (here the score of recognition of the image) to select the fittest samples. Then, the selected samples are mutating and crossing over. The resulting offsprings pass again the same selection process. After several generations (in the order of thousands usually), the result is an optimized solution. The researchers applied this technique to fool the DNN with success.
They also attempted to train the DNN with these fooling images has decoys to reject them. Then, they tried the same process with new generations. The newly trained DNN with decoys did not perform better to avoid fooling images. They also succeeded with totally random noisy images, but these images are aesthetically less satisfactory J
Interestingly, the characteristics of the fooling images, such as color, patterns, or repetition may give some hints on what the DNN uses actually as main differentiating features.
This experiment highlights the risks of AI and DNN. They operate as black boxes. Currently, practitioners have no tools to verify whether the AI or DNN may operate properly under adverse conditions. Usually, with signal processing, the researchers can calculate a theoretical false positive rate. To the best of my knowledge, this is not anymore the case with DNN. Unfortunately, false positive rates are an important design factor in security and pattern recognition related to security or safety matters. With AI and DNN, we are loosing predictability of the behavior. This limitation may become an issue soon if we cannot expect them to react properly in non-nominal conditions. Rule 1.1: Always Expect the Attackers to Push the Limits.
A very interesting paper to read.
Nguyen, A., J. Yosinski, and J. Clune. “Deep Neural Networks Are Easily Fooled: High Confidence Predictions for Unrecognizable Images.” In 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 427–36, 2015. doi:10.1109/CVPR.2015.7298640 available at