IE club (a network of entrepreneurs), Seventure Partners (VC) and Institut Telecom (group of schools) organize each year a technology fair. This year’s theme was security.
I was invited to make the opening presentation for the panel. My presentation was ”Sécurité et Success Stories : quelques leçons” (Sorry, it is in French).
Of course, the key event is the demonstration of a set of technologies. The goal is for entrepreneurs to possibly find a technology to promote/use in their products.
Many demonstrators were promising. My selection:
- Analysis of vulnerabilities in software; all demonstrated technologies were limited to static analysis
- Analysis of information flow for embedded devices
- Secure storage of files using P2P based on control access
- Hardware based real random generator
- Smart card emulation for simulation of fault injection
The two last ones were extremely technical but have probably a very narrow possible market (secure IC manufacturers that were not present)
Both the panel and the demonstrations demonstrated that France is still one of the homes of serious security.