I must confess that I discovered this little conference only this year. It is highly specialized in hardware security. A conference truly for expert audience. Thus, I am glad to promote the conference Call For Paper for USA 2021 is OPEN!

If you have a groundbreaking embedded research or an awesome open-source tool you’d like to showcase before the global hardware security community, this is your chance. Send in your ideas on various hardware subjects, including but not limited to Chips, Processors, ICS/SCADA, Telecom, Protocols & Cryptography.

CFP is open: 15 March – 15 May 2021

Notification of acceptance: 25 May 2021

Conference: July 9-10, 2021

✅  SUBMIT your research:

Symposium on Foundations and Applications of Blockchain


The University of South California (USC) organizes a   Symposium on Foundations and Applications of Blockchain. Following in the call for paper.

Full disclosure: I am member of the PC


                                           Symposium on Foundations and Applications of Blockchain


9 March 2018, Los Angeles, California



Blockchain – the technology behind Bitcoin and Ethereum – is flourishing into an impressive spectrum of research projects and initiatives, corporate alliances, and startup companies. This multidisciplinary effort spans diverse disciplines ranging from Computer Science and Engineering to Communications, Social Sciences, Public Policy, Banking and Finance, Journalism, and Political Sciences to name a few. This one day event strives to bring researchers and practitioners of blockchain together to share and exchange results. We are interested in papers and presentations on a broad range of topics including:

  • Application use cases of blockchain
  • Secure smart contracts
  • Bitcoin and cryptocurrency
  • Blockchain for social networking
  • Distributed systems for blockchain
  • Blockchain consensus protocols
  • Blockchain and Governance
  • Blockchains and network systems
  • Partitioned and replicated data stores for blockchain
  • Transactions and blockchain
  • Software engineering practices and life cycle management of blockchain
  • Societal impact and social aspects of blockchain
  • Game theory and its applications to blockchain
  • Blockchain protocol analysis and security
  • Algorithm design, complexity analysis, implementation of efficient blockchains
  • Experience with blockchain


Important Dates:

Dec 15, 2017:  Paper submission Deadline

Feb 5, 2018:  Author notification

March 9, 2018:  One day symposium


Paper submission:

Authors are invited to submit papers through the CMT3 conference submission system by December 15, 2018. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this conference. FAB’18 welcomes long and short papers in four categories:  Research, Industrial, Vision, and Poster.  See the online call for paper for additional details.


General Chair:  Bhaskar Krishnamachari, USC

Program Chair:  Shahram Ghandeharizadeh, USC

Program Committee:

Sumita Barahmand, Microsoft

Yu Chen, State University of New York – Binghamton

Bhagwan Chowdhry, UCLA

Eric Chung, DApperNetwork

Ming-Deh Huang, USC

Eric Diehl, Sony Pictures Entertainment

Abdelkader Hameurlain, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France

Zhiyuan Jiang, Tsinghua University

Lou Kerner, Flight VC

Bhaskar Krishnamachari, USC

Genevieve Leveille, Otentic8

Chen Li, UC Irvine

David MacFadyen, UCLA

Beng Chin Ooi, National University of Singapore

Avinash Sridharan, Mesosphere

Vassilis Tsotras, UC Riverside

Nick Vyas, USC

Li Xiong, Emory University

Kiran Yedavalli, Cisco


Contact Us

In case of questions, please contact us at and

SECITC 2017 Call For Paper

The 10th International Conference on Security for Information Technology and Communications (SECITC 2017, will be held in Bucharest, Romania on 8-9 June 2017. The conference venue will be at Bucharest University of Economic Studies located in the heart of Bucarest city.


Conference Topics:

Topics include all aspects of information security, including but not limited to the following areas: Access control, Algorithmic tools for security and cryptography, All aspects of cryptography, Application security, Attacks and defences, Authentication biometry, Censorship and censorship-resistance, Cloud Security, Distributed systems security, Embedded systems security, Digital forensics, Hardware security, Information flow analysis, Internet of Things (IoT) Security, Intrusion detection, Language-based security, Malware, Mobile security and privacy, Network security, New exploits, Policy enforcements, Privacy and anonymity, Protocol security, Reverse-engineering and code obfuscation, Security architectures, Security aspects of alternative currencies, Side channel attacks, Surveillance and anti-surveillance, System security.


Instructions for authors:

Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors has published elsewhere or has submitted in parallel for consideration of any other journal, conference/workshop with proceedings. The submission should begin with a title followed by a short abstract and keywords. Submissions must be in PDF format and should have at most 12 pages excluding the bibliography and appendices, and at most 20 pages in total, using at least 11-point fonts and with reasonable margins. All submissions must be anonymous. The reviewers are not required to read appendices-the paper should be intelligible without them. Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits. Authors of accepted papers should guarantee that at least one of the authors will attend the conference and present their paper. Paper submission and review process is handled via EasyChair platform. All submissions must be in PDF format. For paper submission follow the following link:

As the final accepted papers will be published in LNCS by Springer, it is recommended that the submissions be processed in LaTeX2e according to the instructions listed on the Springer’s LNCS Webpage: These instructions are mandatory for the final papers.

In particular, Springer’s LNCS paper formatting requirements can be found at:


Important Dates:

  • Paper submission deadline: 27 March 2017 at 23:59 UTC/GMT
  • Notification of decisions: 21 April 2017
  • Proceedings version deadline: 28 April 2017
  • Conference: 8-9 June 2017


Program Chairs:


CANS 2015 submissions

The 14th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS 2015) will be at Marrakech in December.  The submission deadline is 19 june 2015.  The topics of interest are rather broad:

  • Access Control for Networks
  • Adware, Malware, and Spyware
  • Anonymity & Pseudonymity
  • Authentication, Identification
  • Cloud Security
  • Cryptographic Algorithms & Protocols
  • Denial of Service Protection
  • Embedded System Security
  • Identity & Trust Management
  • Internet Security
  • Key Management
  • Mobile Code Security
  • Multicast Security
  • Network Security
  • Peer-to-Peer Security
  • Security Architectures
  • Security in Social Networks
  • Sensor Network Security
  • Virtual Private Networks
  • Wireless and Mobile Security

The accepted papers will be published in Springer LNCS.  It is an IACR event.

CataCrypt 2014

In the tsunami of the catastrophic HeartBleed bug, this new IEEE workshop will be interesting.   cataCRYPT stands for “catastrophic events related to cryptography and security with their possible solutions.”

The main point is: many cryptographic protocols are only based on the security of one cryptographic algorithm (e.g. RSA) and  we don’t know the exact RSA security (including Ron Rivest). What if somebody finds a  clever and fast factoring algorithm? Well, it is indeed an hypothesis but we know several  instances of possible progress. A new fast algorithm is a possible catastroph if not handled  properly. And there are other problems with hash functions, elliptic curves, aso. Think also about the recent Heartbleed bug (April 2014, see the discovery was very late and we were close to a catastrophic situation.

So we are thinking about a regular workshop, the name is CATACRYPT, about these possible problems and their solutions. It includes problems with cryptographic algorithms, protocols, PKI, DRM, TLS-SSL, smart cards, RSA dongles, MIFARE, aso. Quantum computing, resilience and agility are also on the program.

The birth of cataCRYPT is not opportunistic.  His founder, Jean Jacques Quisquater, had launched the idea last year.  Its announcement following HeartBleed is a pure coincidence.

The paper submission deadline is 2 June 2014.   Hurry up…

The conference’s site is

Secure Data Management 2012

The ninth workshop on secure data management (SDM’12) has extended its submission deadline to June 1, 2012.

The topics of interest are:

  • Secure Data Management
  • Database Security
  • Data Anonymization/Pseudonymization
  • Data Hiding
  • Metadata and Security
  • XML Security
  • Authorization and Access Control
  • Data Integrity
  • Privacy Preserving Data Mining
  • Statistical Database Security
  • Control of Data Disclosure
  • Private Information Retrieval
  • Secure Stream Processing
  • Secure Auditing
  • Data Retention
  • Search on Encrypted Data
  • Digital and Enterprise Rights Management
  • Multimedia Security and Privacy
  • Private Authentication
  • Identity Management
  • Privacy Enhancing Technologies
  • Security and Semantic Web
  • Security and Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing
  • Security and Privacy of Health Data
  • Web Service Security
  • Trust Management
  • Policy Management
  • Applied Cryptography

CFP: Secure Data Management workshop (SDM)

9th VLDB Workshop on Secure Data Management (SDM 2012)

with special session on trustworthy cloud computing


August 27, 2012

Istanbul, Turkey

In conjunction with 38th International Conference on Very Large Databases


The 9th SDM workshop builds upon the success of the first eight workshops, which were

organized in conjunction with VLDB 2004 in Toronto, Canada, VLDB 2005 in Trondheim,

Norway, VLDB 2006 in Seoul, Korea, VLDB 2007 in Vienna, Austria, VLDB 2008 in

Auckland, New Zealand, VLDB 2009 in Lyon, France, VLDB 2010 in Singapore and

VLDB 2011 in Seattle, USA.




Although cryptography and security techniques have been around for quite some time,

emerging technologies such as ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligence that exploit

increasingly interconnected networks, mobility and personalization, put new requirements

on security with respect to data management. As data is accessible anytime anywhere,

according to these new concepts, it becomes much easier to get unauthorized data

access. Furthermore, it becomes simpler to collect, store, and search personal

information and endanger people’s privacy. Therefore, research in the area of secure

data management is of growing importance, attracting attention of both the data

management and security research communities. The interesting problems range from

traditional ones such as, access control (with all variations, like dynamic, context-aware,

role-based), database security (e.g. efficient database encryption schemes, search over

encrypted data, etc.), privacy preserving data mining to controlled sharing of data.


This year, we will continue with tradition to have special sessions. We will organize a

special session on trustworthy cloud computing in the context of the EU FP7 TClouds

project ( and Trust in Digital Life initiative





The aim of the workshop is to bring together people from the security research

community and data management research community in order to exchange ideas on

the secure management of data. This year we intent to organize two special sessions

with the focus on trustworthy cloud computing and trust in digital life. The workshop will

provide forum for discussing practical experiences and theoretical research efforts that

can help in solving the critical problems in secure data management. Authors from both

academia and industry are invited to submit papers presenting novel research on the

topics of interest (see below).



Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:

–              Secure Data Management

–              Database Security

–              Data Anonymization/Pseudonymization

–              Data Hiding

–              Metadata and Security

–              XML Security

–              Authorization and Access Control

–              Data Integrity

–              Privacy Preserving Data Mining

–              Statistical Database Security

–              Control of Data Disclosure

–              Private Information Retrieval

–              Secure Auditing

–              Trustworthy Cloud Computing

–              Search on Encrypted Data

–              Digital and Enterprise Rights Management

–              Multimedia Security and Privacy

–              Private Authentication

–              Identity Management

–              Privacy Enhancing Technologies

–              Security and Semantic Web

–              Security and Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing

–              Security and Privacy of Health Data

–              Watermarking

–              Trust Management

–              Trust in Digital Life

–              Policy Management

–              Applied Cryptography



Format of the workshop and proceedings

It is proposed to organize the workshop in conjunction with the VLDB conference.

Provisional program:

1.            Invited Talk

2.            Presentation of papers with discussions

3.            Special sessions


It is the intention to publish the proceedings in the Spinger-Verlag Lecture Notes on

Computer Science series as it was done for the first seven workshops. Additionally, we

also want to select the best papers with the intent to publish their extended and revised

versions in a special edition of a journal (as it was done for the SDM 2006 and 2007

workshops with the Journal of Computer Security).



Paper submission

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not being

considered for publication in any other forum. Manuscripts should be submitted

electronically as PDF or PS files via email to

Full papers should not exceed fifteen pages in length (formatted using the camera-ready

templates of Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science).


We also encourage submitting position statement papers describing research work in

progress or lessons learned in practice (max six pages). Submissions must be received

no later than May 1, 2012. Please check the workshop page for further information and

submission instructions:


Duration: 1-day workshop


Important dates

Submission deadline: May 1, 2012

Notification of acceptance or rejection: June 8, 2012

Final versions due: June 15, 2012

Workshop: August 27, 2012