Black Hat 2021: my preferred talks

Last week, I attended Black Hat 2021. It was a hybrid conference, i.e., both on-site and virtual. As a consequence, there were only four concurrent “physical’ talks at any moment. The number of attendees was far lower than in 2019. I attended the physical ones exclusively with a focus on hacking.

I enjoyed the most the two following talks

Breaking the Isolation: Cross-Account AWS Vulnerabilities by Shir Tamari and Ami Luttwak
They explored the AWS cross services such as CloudTrail or the Serverless Repository. Such services allow to store some data in the same location for several services or read data from the same location for several services. They discovered that the security policy configuration did not define the referenced accounts. Thus, it was possible to use CloudTrail to store files in an S3 bucket that you did not control.
AWS has fixed the issue. Unfortunately, it is up to the customer to update the policies correspondingly; else, the holes are still present.
Fixing a Memory Forensics Blind Spot: Linux Kernel Tracing by Andrew Case and Golden Richard
The ePBF is a programming language that makes access to the Linux kernel tracing easy. The tracing system is mighty. It allows to read registers, hook subsystem calls, etc. From the userland!! Powerful but nasty.
They presented some extensions of their open-source tools to list the hooked calls and other stealthy operations.
I was not aware of ePBF. It opened my eyes and scared me. An earlier talk With Friends Like eBPF, Who Needs Enemies? The authors presented a rootkit based on ePBF. Unfortunately, I did not attend this talk. Would I have known ePBF, I would have attended it. It seems that there were three other ePBF-based talks at DefCon 2021.

In the coming weeks, I will listen to some virtual talks and report the ones I enjoyed.

Quantum what?

Quantum what?

Quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and post-quantum cryptography: these terms are confusing.  This post attempts to clarify them and draws the relationship between them.

Quantum computing is the set of technologies that use quantum-mechanical phenomena to perform computing.  Quantum computing uses qubits rather than bits.  Where one bit of conventional computing has one of the two possible states “0” or “1”, a qubit has a set of independent states simultaneously via superposition.  Furthermore, entangled qubits behave together in non-conventional ways (for instance, immediate synchronization independent from the distance separating the two qubits).

These properties allow solving some classes of problems, many orders faster than conventional computing.  In 1994, Peter Shor published “Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Prime Factorization and Discrete Logarithms on a Quantum Computer” [1].  His algorithm solves the prime factorization and discrete logarithm hard problems.  Prime factorization is the foundation of cryptosystems such as Diffie Hellman (DH) and RSA.  Discrete logarithms are the foundation of elliptic curve cryptosystems (ECC). In 1996, Lov Grover published “A fast quantum mechanical algorithm for database search” [2].  His algorithm inverts one-way functions in  time.  It applies to symmetric ciphers and cryptographic hashes.

Whenever quantum computing is operational, accurate, and with enough qubits, these algorithms and their enhancements will impact traditional cryptography.  To mitigate Grover’s algorithm, the size of symmetric keys and hashes has to increase.  For instance, AES will need at least 256-bit keys. Shor’s algorithm annihilates the security of prime factorization or discrete logarithm-based cryptosystems.  In other words, DH, RSA, and ECC will not be secure anymore.

Post-quantum cryptography encompasses the algorithms that are allegedly immune against quantum computing.   There are mainly four categories of algorithms.

  • Hash-based signatures; It uses the current hash algorithms, and its security is well understood. The size of the public key is far larger and usable only once. 
  • Code-based encryption;  It uses sophisticated error-correcting codes.  The McEliece’s scheme was first proposed in 1978 [3] and has not been broken since. 
  • Lattice-based encryption is the most efficient and promising solution.  It allows encryption, digital signatures, and fully homomorphic encryption.
  • Multi-variate Quadratic Equations seem the less promising path.  All proposed schemes are currently broken. 

It is wise to strengthen post-quantum cryptography to be ready whenever this threat is active.  NIST estimates that a 1 billion $ quantum computer may break RSA 2048 keys in a matter of hours.   A future post will explore more in detail post-quantum cryptography.

Quantum cryptography or Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) sends over information, including a secret key, using photons over a line between Alice and Bob.  Once Bob received the secret key, Alice and Bob use it to encrypt and decrypt via traditional symmetric cryptosystems their messages.  This key distribution is very similar to many current systems.  Nevertheless, due to the Heisenberg’s principle, if Eve eavesdrops the QKD, she alters the secret key.  Thus, Alice and Bob know they are eavesdropped, offering higher security.  The obvious limitation is that it can only be used in point to point communications.  The first QKDs were designed in the 80s.

Hoping that this post shed some light, I wish you a happy new year.


[1]          P. W. Shor, “Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Prime Factorization and Discrete Logarithms on a Quantum Computer,” SIAM J. Comput., vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 1484–1509, Oct. 1997, doi: 10.1137/S0097539795293172.

[2]          L. K. Grover, “A fast quantum mechanical algorithm for database search,” ArXivquant-Ph9605043, Nov. 1996.

[3]          R. McEliece, “A public-key cryptosystem based on algebraic coding theory,” NASA, DSN 42-44, 1978.

Apple’s Find My

Apple disclosed at the WWDC an interesting feature: “Find My.”   It will be possible to track the GPS location of your device if it is stolen or lost.  And Apple will not know this location.  Here is how it works. 

The prerequisite is that you have at least two Apple devices.   All your devices share a private key.  The trick is that instead of having one unique public key, the devices have a multitude of public keys linked to this private key.  This is possible, and there are numerous known cryptographic solutions that may fulfill this part.

The device broadcasts via Bluetooth its current public key.   The device broadcasts this beacon even while turned out.  Any Apple device nearby may catch the beacon.  Then the receiving device encrypts its current GPS location with the broadcast public key.  It sends the encrypted location as well as the cryptographic hash of the public key to Apple’s server.  Of course, the public key changes periodically.  The rotating period has not been disclosed.

If you want to locate one of your devices, you trigger the request on one of your devices.  It sends the hash of the public key to the Apple server, which returns the encrypted location.  The device has the private key and thus can decrypt the location. Et voila.

Of course, under the assumption that Apple does not have the private key, only your devices can decrypt the location.  Normally, Apple can neither get the location nor link different related public keys together.

Many questions that were not answered in the presentation.  The frequency of key rotation, is there a limited number of public keys, how to know which hash to send?  Waiting for some publications to deep dive.

The idea is interesting.  It is complex, thus subject to failures and vulnerabilities.   What would the system do if, from many locations, there is a beacon broadcasting the same public key?  Will the collection of multiple related public keys not reveal some partial information, for instance one of the exponents?

Deep Learning: A Critical Appraisal (paper review)

Deep learning is becoming extremely popular. It is one of the fields of Machine Learning that is the most explored and exploited. AlphaGo, Natural Language Processing, image recognition, and many more topics are iconic examples of the success of deep learning. It is so successful that it seems to become the golden answer to all our problems.

Gary Marcus, a respected ML/AI researcher, published an excellent critical appraisal of this technique. For instance, he listed ten challenges that deep learning faces. He concludes that deep learning is only one of the tools needed and not necessarily a silver bullet for all problems.

From the security point of view, here are the challenges that seem relevant:

“Deep Learning thus far works well as an approximation, but its answers often cannot be fully trusted.”

Indeed, the approach is probabilistic rather than heuristic. Thus, we must be cautious. Currently, the systems are too easily fooled. This blog reported several such attacks. The Generative Adversarial Networks are promising attack tools.

“Deep learning presumes a largely stable world, in ways that may be problematic.”

Stability is not necessarily the prime characteristics of our environments.

“Deep learning thus far cannot inherently distinguish causation from correlation.”

This challenge is not related to security. Nevertheless, it is imperative to understand it. Deep learning detects a correlation. Too often, people assume that there is causation when seeing the correlation. This assertion is often false. Causation may be real if the parameters are independent. If they are linked/triggered by an undisclosed parameter, it is instead this undisclosed parameter that produces the causation.

In any case, this paper is fascinating to read to keep an open, sane view of this field.

Marcus, Gary. “Deep Learning: A Critical Appraisal.” ArXiv:1801.00631 [Cs, Stat], January 2, 2018.



Password complexity

Password complexity is one of the top conflictual topics of security. According to NIST, many companies may over-complicate their password policies.

In 2003, Bill BURR (NIST) established a set of guidelines for passwords asking for long passwords. Since then, many policies requested these complex, lengthy passwords mixing characters, digits and special characters. Recently, he confessed that he regretted to have written these guidelines. In June 2017, NIST published a more recent version of the NIST 800-63B document. These guidelines are user-friendly.

In a nutshell, if the user defines the password, then it should be at least eight characters long. If the service provider generates the password, it should be at least six characters long and can even be numerical. The service provider must use a NIST-approved random number generator. The chosen or generated password must be checked against a blacklist of compromised values. There are no other constraints on the selection.

On the user-friendly side, NIST recommends:

  • The password should not be requested to be changed unless there is evidence that it may be compromised.
  • The user should be allowed to use the “paste” command to favor the use of password managers
  • The user should be able to request the temporary display of the typed password.

Additional constraints are on the implementation of the verifier. The verifier shall not propose any hint. The verifier must implement a rate-limiting mechanism to thwart online brute-force attacks. The password shall be stored as a salted hash using an approved key derivation function such as PBDKDF2 or Balloon with enough iterations (at least 10,000 for PBKDF2).

Appendix A of the NIST document provides rationales for this simplification. For instance,

Many attacks associated with the use of passwords are not affected by password complexity and length. Keystroke logging, phishing, and social engineering attacks are equally effective on lengthy, complex passwords as simple ones.


Research has shown, however, that users respond in very predictable ways to the requirements imposed by composition rules [Policies]. For example, a user that might have chosen “password” as their password would be relatively likely to choose “Password1” if required to include an uppercase letter and a number, or “Password1!” if a symbol is also required.

A few cautionary notes; the addressed threat model is an online attack. It does not adequately cover offline attacks where the attacker gained access to the hashed password. The quality of the implementation of the salted hash mechanism is paramount for resisting offline attacks. Furthermore, it should be hoped that a theft of salted hash database should be identified and would trigger the immediate modification of all passwords, thus, mitigating the impact of the leak. NIST recommends using memorized secrets only for Assurance Level 1, i.e.,

AAL1 provides some assurance that the claimant controls an authenticator bound to the subscriber’s account. 

Higher assurance levels require multi-factor authentication methods. The guidelines explore them in depth. It may be the topic of a future post.

NIST is a reference in security. We may trust their judgment. As we will not get rid soon of the password login mechanism, we may perhaps revisit our password policy to make it user-friendlier and implement the proper background safeguard mechanisms.

I wish you a happy, secure new year.

Law 9 – Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

This post is the ninth post in a series of ten posts. The previous post explored the eighth law: If You Watch the Internet, the Internet Is Watching You. This Roman sentence from poet Juvenal can be translated as “Who will guard the guards themselves?” Every element of a system should be monitored. This also includes the monitoring functions. As often some parts of the security model rely on the detection of anomalies, it is key that this detection is efficient and faithful.

Any security process should always have one last phase that monitors the efficiency of the implemented practices. This phase creates the feedback loop that regulates any deficiency or inefficiency of the security process. The quality and probity of this last phase have a strong influence on the overall robustness of the security. For instance, the COBIT framework has one control point dedicated to this task: ME2 – monitor and evaluate internal control.

The beauty of Bitcoin’s model is that every user is the ward that surveys the other users. The Bitcoin system assumes that a majority of users will operate faithfully. The Proof Of Work is the consensus mechanism that enforces, in theory, this assumption. Mining is costly and managing the majority of the hashing power may be impossible for one actor. This assumption may be questionable with new cryptocurrencies that do not have a significant number of users and with the advent of mining pool.

Separate the roles; Divide and Conquer. The scope of controlling and managing roles should be kept as small as possible. Guards should have a limited scope of surveillance and restricted authority. This reduces the impact of a malicious insider or the influence of an attacker who hijacked an administrator or controller account. Where possible, the scope of roles should partly overlap or be redundant between several individuals. This trick increases the chances to detect an error or a mischief from an insider as success would require collusion.

For instance, reduce the scope of system administrators as they have the keys to the kingdom. Nobody should have all the keys of the kingdom. After the Snowden incident, NSA drastically reduced the number of its system administrators.

Read the logs; logfiles are an essential element for monitoring and auditing the effectiveness of the security. They will be useful to detect and understand security incidents. Nevertheless, their optimal efficiency is reached only when they are regularly analyzed to detect anomalies. Ideally, they have to be proactively analyzed. Applying only a-posteriori log analysis is a weak security stance. Logfiles are not to be used only for forensics purpose.

If you find this post interesting, you may also be interested in my second book “Ten Laws for Security.”  Chapter 10 explores in details this law. The book is available for instance at Springer or Amazon.

What the Public Knows About Cybersecurity

In June 2016, The US Pew Research Center asked 1,055 US adults 13 questions to evaluate their knowledge about cyber security. The questions were ranging from identifying a suitable password to identifying a two-factor authentication system.

The readers of this blog would belong to the 1% of the sample (i.e., 11 individuals) who made no mistake. To be honest, the non-US readers may fail at the question related to US credit score (“Americans can legally obtain one free credit report yearly from each of the three credit bureaus.” This question is not directly related to cybersecurity and is purely US-related. I must confess that before moving to the US, I would have had no ideas of the right answer)

Not surprisingly, the success ratio was low. The average number of correct answers was 5.5 for 13 asked questions! ¾ of interviewees correctly identified a strong password. About half of the individuals accurately spotted a simple phishing attack. Only 1/3 knew that https means the connection is encrypted.

There was a clear correlation between the level of education and the ratio of proper answers. Those with college degrees or higher had an average of 7 right answers. The impact of the age was less conclusive.

You may take the quiz.


The results are not a surprise. We do not see an increase of awareness. This study should be a reminder that we, the security practitioners, must educate people around us. It is our civic responsibility and duty. This education is the first step towards a more secure connected world. Without it, the connected world will become a hell for most people.

The paper may be useful in your library


Olmstead, Kenneth, and Aaron Smith. “What the Public Knows About Cybersecurity,” March 22, 2017.