I must confess that I discovered this little conference only this year. It is highly specialized in hardware security. A conference truly for expert audience. Thus, I am glad to promote the conference Call For Paper for USA 2021 is OPEN!

If you have a groundbreaking embedded research or an awesome open-source tool you’d like to showcase before the global hardware security community, this is your chance. Send in your ideas on various hardware subjects, including but not limited to Chips, Processors, ICS/SCADA, Telecom, Protocols & Cryptography.

CFP is open: 15 March – 15 May 2021

Notification of acceptance: 25 May 2021

Conference: July 9-10, 2021

✅  SUBMIT your research:

NIST reduced the number of candidates for post-quantum cryptography

Post-quantum cryptography encompasses the algorithms that are allegedly immune against quantum computing. There are five categories that seem suitable for post-quantum cryptography. See previous post.
In 2017, NIST initiated the process to select and standardize a set of post-quantum cryptosystems. In 2019, the second round selected 26 candidates. The third round started in 2020. Last month, NIST published an intermediary analysis of these candidates. As a result, NIST selected seven serious candidates and eight potential but unlikely contenders. The draft standards should be available by 2024. Table 1 lists the nine candidates for encryption. The predominance of lattice-based and code-based solutions is visible. Table 2 lists the six selected candidates for digital signatures. The more likely candidates are highlighted.

Classic McElieceX
NTRU primeX
Table 1: NIST candidates for encryption
Table 2: NIST candidates for digital signature

Lattice seems to be the big runner for post-quantum. A future post will attempt to give a hint on lattice-based cryptography.

The report is available at

New job

Since yesterday, I am VP media & content security at Sony Pictures. This new affiliation should not have any impact on this blog. Regular readers of this blog know my, hopefully balanced, position regarding copyright and content protection.

A new version of my site

Welcome in the new version of my site.  Now both my site and my blog share the same consistency.  Indeed, they share the same engine (wordpress).   Translation form my homemade site to WP pages was simple.  Nevertheless, I am sure that there are some remaining issues (such as missing or wrong links).  Do not hesitate to signal them to me for fixing.

Pira(r)te or Art?

Appreciation of contemporary modern art is always personal and controversial.  Virtual online gallery ART 404 exposes a “piece of art” . whose name is “5 million  dollars 1 Terabyte”.  The opus displays an external, black, shine, one-terabyte hard drive that is claimed to store for 5 million dollars worth of illegaly downloaded pieces of content and software.  The five most costly categories are 133GB of fiction books from 2003 to 2011 ($3,000, 000), 76GB of science text book ($500,000), 26GB of fiction library ($400,000),  39GB of Osprey books ($180,000) and 130GB of PC games from 1979 to 2001 ($150,000).  There are no video and the 124GB of musics are only evaluated $46,000.

We knew that piracy was a black art, but here are we really in the field of Art?  I’d like to hear your opinion.


The blog of content protection is moving to both a new web hosting and blogging engine.  I will now use WordPress.  I will try to transfer the old posts under the new blogging engine.  Thus, there may be some slight hiccups.

I hope that the new web host will be more reliable than my previous one.  My site was too often down