9th VLDB Workshop on Secure Data Management (SDM 2012)
with special session on trustworthy cloud computing
August 27, 2012
Istanbul, Turkey
In conjunction with 38th International Conference on Very Large Databases
The 9th SDM workshop builds upon the success of the first eight workshops, which were
organized in conjunction with VLDB 2004 in Toronto, Canada, VLDB 2005 in Trondheim,
Norway, VLDB 2006 in Seoul, Korea, VLDB 2007 in Vienna, Austria, VLDB 2008 in
Auckland, New Zealand, VLDB 2009 in Lyon, France, VLDB 2010 in Singapore and
VLDB 2011 in Seattle, USA.
Although cryptography and security techniques have been around for quite some time,
emerging technologies such as ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligence that exploit
increasingly interconnected networks, mobility and personalization, put new requirements
on security with respect to data management. As data is accessible anytime anywhere,
according to these new concepts, it becomes much easier to get unauthorized data
access. Furthermore, it becomes simpler to collect, store, and search personal
information and endanger people’s privacy. Therefore, research in the area of secure
data management is of growing importance, attracting attention of both the data
management and security research communities. The interesting problems range from
traditional ones such as, access control (with all variations, like dynamic, context-aware,
role-based), database security (e.g. efficient database encryption schemes, search over
encrypted data, etc.), privacy preserving data mining to controlled sharing of data.
This year, we will continue with tradition to have special sessions. We will organize a
special session on trustworthy cloud computing in the context of the EU FP7 TClouds
project (http://www.tclouds-project.eu/) and Trust in Digital Life initiative
The aim of the workshop is to bring together people from the security research
community and data management research community in order to exchange ideas on
the secure management of data. This year we intent to organize two special sessions
with the focus on trustworthy cloud computing and trust in digital life. The workshop will
provide forum for discussing practical experiences and theoretical research efforts that
can help in solving the critical problems in secure data management. Authors from both
academia and industry are invited to submit papers presenting novel research on the
topics of interest (see below).
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:
– Secure Data Management
– Database Security
– Data Anonymization/Pseudonymization
– Data Hiding
– Metadata and Security
– XML Security
– Authorization and Access Control
– Data Integrity
– Privacy Preserving Data Mining
– Statistical Database Security
– Control of Data Disclosure
– Private Information Retrieval
– Secure Auditing
– Trustworthy Cloud Computing
– Search on Encrypted Data
– Digital and Enterprise Rights Management
– Multimedia Security and Privacy
– Private Authentication
– Identity Management
– Privacy Enhancing Technologies
– Security and Semantic Web
– Security and Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing
– Security and Privacy of Health Data
– Watermarking
– Trust Management
– Trust in Digital Life
– Policy Management
– Applied Cryptography
Format of the workshop and proceedings
It is proposed to organize the workshop in conjunction with the VLDB conference.
Provisional program:
1. Invited Talk
2. Presentation of papers with discussions
3. Special sessions
It is the intention to publish the proceedings in the Spinger-Verlag Lecture Notes on
Computer Science series as it was done for the first seven workshops. Additionally, we
also want to select the best papers with the intent to publish their extended and revised
versions in a special edition of a journal (as it was done for the SDM 2006 and 2007
workshops with the Journal of Computer Security).
Paper submission
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not being
considered for publication in any other forum. Manuscripts should be submitted
electronically as PDF or PS files via email to al_sdm05@natlab.research.philips.com
Full papers should not exceed fifteen pages in length (formatted using the camera-ready
templates of Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
We also encourage submitting position statement papers describing research work in
progress or lessons learned in practice (max six pages). Submissions must be received
no later than May 1, 2012. Please check the workshop page for further information and
submission instructions: http://www.extra.research.philips.com/sdm-workshop/
Duration: 1-day workshop
Important dates
Submission deadline: May 1, 2012
Notification of acceptance or rejection: June 8, 2012
Final versions due: June 15, 2012
Workshop: August 27, 2012