Cheap face recognition

I just read about KeyLemon, a company who offers face recognition based login to Windows XP for less than 40$. They have a trial version. For fun I decided to try it.

The installation was straight forward. It used my webcam. When registering for the first time, it became touchy. The software wants you to be in a given relatively precise position.

Instead of your typical login screen, you have a screen who displays what the webcam sees, and a field to possibly enter your password. Once it recognized me (after a few seconds), it logged on without any problem. Now, the funny part, let’s push slightly the limit. I registered with my glasses, because I work without them in front of my screen. When I tried with the glasses, it did not recognize me. OK, let’s do it without the glasses.

Of course, you all already though about it. I took a picture of me with the webcam and printed it on the color printer. YES!!!! It recognized my picture! That’s really bad! An easy way to impersonate.

Then, I decided to comb my hairs (those who know me will understand :Wink: ) It did not recognize me. Ouf, my picture works.

Then, I decided to train better the tool (after 20 cumulative training with glass or not, comber or not), it did perform worse. Gracefully, there was still the field to type the password in.

KeyLemon is a funny tool but not a secure tool. Don’t trust it. Interestingly, the announced advantage

Stop wasting time entering your password

I’m not sure who would win the race

Stop remembering your password

No!!! What if it does not work correctly.

The only funny feature is the lock of the computer once it does not see you anymore in front of the screen.

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