European industry worried by APT

According to a recent report from Quocirca, the trouble heading for your business, European business claim they are concerned by APT.  Many interviewed companies assert to have been under targeted attacks.  Even more worrying, most of them believe that undetected malwares are running on their networks.

Advanced Persistent Attacks (APT) or targeted attacks are high profile attacks that aim to one precise target with a precise objective.   The attackers are highly efficient attackers.  most of the time, they are either funded by criminal organizations or are state operated teams.     This is the most dangerous type of attack.  Usual tools such as firewall and anti viruses are not sufficient.  Bit9 and RSA attacks are good examples of targeted attacks.

The report gives interesting insights to the perceived impact on business of APTs.  For instance, we discover that loss of regulated financimageial data is the top impact.  Loss of IP is in fourth position.  Reputational damage and negative media coverage are the least impacts.

(Copyright Quocirca 2013 for the figure)

The ranking of concern about the impacts following an APT:

  1. Loss of regulated data
  2. Loss of IP
  3. Reputational damage
  4. Fines
  5. Remediation costs



Thus, this report is a good reference when you have t explain why you need this new deep  packet inspection tool, or the latest behavioral analysis software. 

It is good to see that companies are aware of this new APT risk.  Is your company aware?

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