I wish to all my readers a prosperous and interesting year 2009. I will not take the risk to make some forecasts. Nevertheless, I will share some thoughts with you.
Will 2009 bring new initiatives in content protection? How will evolve music? Totally DRM free at the end of the year? As long as we will not see new business models appear there will be a problem.
The battle will continue between User Generated Content sites (YouTube, WAT, DailyMotion, Tudou, …) and content owners. Everybody has the feeling that the solution is to share the advertising revenues. But who has an idea on how to make a positive business with UGC? Are we sure that advertising revenues will be sufficient? And the fight with be on the ratio between UGC and content owners. Meanwhile, UGC sites will need to filter out copyrighted contents.
It will be interesting to see at which speed some candidates for the succession of SHA will be dismissed.
And you, what do you foresee?