The annual report of IFPI is always interesting. The 2009 edition has just been released. Its title is exciting: New business models for a changing environment. This year, IFPI put the focus on the new ways to monetize musics. They highlight mainly three main trends:
– Music access, through a subscription, or a package people have free access to a catalog. Nokia offered such service. French ISP Neuf Cegetel runs such service since 2007. For no additional cost, they offer legitimate access to a catalog of nine music genres. For a monthly fee of 5€ (7US$), they provide legitimate access to all universal Music tracks.
– Ad supported services, the deal of mySpace music is important. UGC sites are the new distribution channels of music. Half the most popular streams on YouTube are copyrighted music videos.
– Games, branding and merchandising. The huge success of Guitar Hero is an example. The report provides some example of combined launching of games featuring band music and corresponding release of album.
Thus, music industry is clearly exploring new business models. They have to. DRM free music puts the pressure.
Of course, there is a section on piracy. This year teh focus is on the role of ISP to thwart piracy. France is showcased for its graduated response (known as HADOPI). Our friend Olivier BOMSEL is interviewed. Olivier was member of the French “commission Olivennes” that suggested the graduated response (and many other things)
Nice to read document