Is DRM bad for the Earth?

In my life, I heard many arguments against DRM. I must confess that this one is the most surprising one. It seems that some professors of US campuses promote the use of eBooks as alternative to traditional paper book or photocopies. One of the arguments is that it is more environmentally sound. To that, we can only applaude.
Unfortunately, there is no universally adopted format for eBooks. Furthermore, they are protected with DRM that are not interoperable. Thus, ebooks are an ecologic but less convenient alternative to paper book.

Conclusion of the paper: DRM is not environmental sound. :Sad:

My personal conclusions are that we urgently need interoperability of DRM. It is the unique feature that will make DRM acceptable to users. Furthermore, for ebooks, DRM must support the possibility of free excerpting. This mandatory for any serious scholastic work.

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