Is wolverine leakage a real tragedy?

As reported earlier, the expected blockbuster “Wolverine” leaked out about one month before theatrical release. The official release is next week.

The movie is still a success on P2P but not anymore in the top 10 charter. Why? Probably because many people heard about the real quality of the leak. Following are some representative snapshots.
– The picture has some special effect to add

– The picture has some details to remove

– The picture is quite empty due to missing special effects (quiet all the end of the movie)

– or my preferred one: annotated pictures

Conclusion: You have the plot of the story but not the pictures. All the fans will go to the theater to view the final movie even if they downloaded this version. We will not see a lot of impact.

This version is interesting because it gives a very good overview of how a modern movie is created. You have all the different stages of a movie. In fact, it is a super attractive trailer.

We will verify that if a GOOD movie leaks too early, it may not be too much of a disaster. For a bad movie, it may be another story.

Next week we will see the fist figures.

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