The regular reader of this blog is aware that Terry Pratchett is one of my favorite authors. He is an extremely prolific author. Therefore, it is always with high expectations that I read the newest book of the Disc world serie.
This time, it is “Snuff”. It is a great book. This time the target of Pratchett’s satirist pen is intolerance, day-to-day racism and slavery. As for most of his books, he uses his characters to fustigate a problem of our society.
What is interesting with Pratchett is that he enriches his world with new characters, and concepts or races. For instance, in “unseen academicals”, he used for the first time a goblin as of one the main characters. In this new opus, goblins are the central characters of the story. Furthermore, second characters gain more visibility. For instance, Wee Mad Arthur, the gnome we found of “Feet of Clay” is back in “Snuff”. And we discover new talents of this interesting tiny constable.
If you like the Discworld, and Sam Vimes, then you have to read Snuff.