
End of July, DECE made a new move: the creation of a trademark name that should identify the interoperable products defined by DECE. The trademark is UltraViolet.

Since several years, a large consortium of companies known as DECE defines the specifications of an interoperable solution for content delivery based using the concept of digital rights locker. With UltraViolet, DECE starts to educate consumers.

Is UltraViolet already in the shop? No. Will it be soon? I don’t know, but I will let you make your guess with this quote from the official site about the roadmap.

Ambitious undertakings like UltraViolet take time to be fully deployed in the global market. Keep an eye out as key components are introduced on the ”Road to UltraViolet”

The previous site http://www.decellc.com/ points now directly to the new address of UltraViolet

If you want to learn more about Digital Rights Locker, meet me and Arnaud Robert (Disney) at ACM DRM workshop where we will present a paper describing the basics of rights locker.

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